ペルー、ボリビア 2002


帰国 AAへの抗議(Is this American Airline Way?)


機内の雑誌に目をやると、表紙に”This is American Way”と書いてあった。機内誌の名前であろう。いろいろ上手い話が書いてあったがこれがまたこちらの神経を逆なでした。『そうか。これがアメリカン航空のやり方か。これがアメリカン・サービスか。ようし、一丁ダラスでディベートをやってやろう。マイアミの時は時間がなくて妥協してしまったが、どうせ今日はダラス泊まり。時間はたっぷりあるし、一人で退屈だし。英語の練習になるし。』


 ダラス空港に着くと、まずカウンターへ行き、初めは”Would you please ・・・”とか言って丁重に始めたが腹の虫は納まっていない。相手をしてくれたのは大人しそうな物静かな中年男性。事情を話すと趣旨は良く理解してくれて、何とかしようという気持ちを感じた。コンピューターを操作しだしたがなかなか上手く行かない。彼の説明によると、新しいチケットを発行した時点で元のチケットはキャンセルされており、払い戻しにはならないようにシステムが出来ているとのこと。

This is American Way.



To customer Service Manager

Is this really American Airline Way?

 Refund me $100.

No other person can take one sheet at the same time, at the same airplane.

I have both tickets still now.

No one loses $100 even if you refund me.


It was the first trip to South America, but not a first flight by AA, as my son and I visited Sun Hose by AA in 1999 and “was” comfortable.

Poor as Bolivia and Peru were, rich and worm as they are in heart.

So the flight from La Paz to Miami was comfortable and I was so much filled with satisfaction.

Tragedy was happened in Miami Airport and had lasted to Dallas Airport, and still now on. Forever? It maybe or maybe not.

At Miami Airport there was not enough time for transit.

I could not find an electric ticket, so I told woman at the security gate.

She kindly taught me the AA office counter. I ran as fast as I could.

Then I told a woman at the counter the circumstance. But crazy enough, she told me to go to the end of long cue. The air was leaving, and her knew.

I asked another woman. She kindly (at first) checked, but said that I cannot take that airplane without the ticket.

I said ”I am just transit. I already checked in at La Paz. I have passport here. So you can certify who I am.”

Her supervisor came.

He said “ You cannot take the airplane without the ticket. It’s your responsibility. It’s a rule.”

What I cannot permit is his attitude for AA customer. He hazed me just like I am criminal like terrorist.


I asked she how to do to take a sheet.

She said, “You should pay $100.“ 

“I don’t have enough $ because I would fly to Tokyo tomorrow.”

“No way.”

After a discussion, I finally paid $100 by card, as there was no time.

 I took my seat with angry and regret. Fasten a belt. Then.

I search my bag again and again.

At last I found it. I found my ticket form Miami to Dallas and Dallas to Tokyo.

These are the copies of them.

No one used them.

 At Dallas Air Port, I asked a man who looked a gentleman with AA mind how should I do to refund me $100.

He kindly checked. But the answer was the same as before.

He said,” I understand the circumstance, but our computer system reject a ticket number which once avoided. So No one can be refund by the old ticket.”

His account was logical and his attitude was fair.

He was the first man and woman that I could feel kindness and worm heart since Miami Air Port.

I thought that only one kind (but kite normal in Japan) could save AA.

I appealed to him.

“Is this an American Way?  Is this an AA way?  I have tickets. Old one and new one. No one can take sheet without ticket. No one can take two sheets at the same tome. No one lose money if AA refunds me. Why not you cannot refund.

Is this American Airline way?

Is this American Way?  American Way to the other people?   

I like America. I like American country. Especially I like American People.

I love them.

But if AA people take such attitude like Miami staff did to me, I never like AA. Because they would treat customer like me forever.”

He tried every thing he could do.

Maybe he understood what AA should do, even though he said nothing.

He is calm and clever.

It was fortune to meet him.

I like America. I like American country. Especially I like American People.

I love them.

But if AA people take such attitude like Miami staff did to me, I will hate AA .

Is this you company policy?

Aren’t you arrogant to customers?



