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#pragma NOIV// Do not generate interrupt vectors //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //File:periph.c //Contents:Hooks required to implement USB peripheral function. // //Copyright (c) 1997 AnchorChips, Inc. All rights reserved //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <ezusb.h> #include <ezregs.h> extern BOOLGotSUD;// Received setup data flag extern BOOLSleep; extern BOOLRwuen; extern BOOLSelfpwr; BYTEConfiguration;// Current configuration BYTEAlternateSetting;// Alternate settings BYTE suspCount; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Task Dispatcher hooks //The following hooks are called by the task dispatcher. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TD_Init(void) // Called once at startup { // Enable endpoints 0-7 IN and OUT IN07VAL |= bmEP1 + bmEP2 + bmEP3 + bmEP4 + bmEP5 + bmEP6 + bmEP7; OUT07VAL |= bmEP1 + bmEP2 + bmEP3 + bmEP4 + bmEP5 + bmEP6 + bmEP7; // Enable interrupts for the OUT endpoints OUT07IEN |= bmEP1 + bmEP2 + bmEP3 + bmEP4 + bmEP5 + bmEP6 + bmEP7; IN07IEN |= bmEP1 + bmEP2 + bmEP3 + bmEP4 + bmEP5 + bmEP6 + bmEP7; suspCount = 1; OEA = 0xFF; Rwuen = TRUE;// Enable remote-wakeup } void TD_Poll(void) // Called repeatedly while the device is idle { } BOOL TD_Suspend(void) // Called before the device goes into suspend mode { return(TRUE); } BOOL TD_Resume(void) // Called after the device resumes { return(TRUE); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Device Request hooks //The following hooks are called by the end point 0 device request parser. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL DR_GetDescriptor(void) { return(TRUE); } BOOL DR_SetConfiguration(void)// Called when a Set Configuration command is received { Configuration = SETUPDAT[2]; return(TRUE);// Handled by user code } BOOL DR_GetConfiguration(void)// Called when a Get Configuration command is received { IN0BUF[0] = Configuration; EZUSB_SET_EP_BYTES(IN0BUF_ID,1); return(TRUE);// Handled by user code } BOOL DR_SetInterface(void) // Called when a Set Interface command is received { AlternateSetting = SETUPDAT[2]; return(TRUE);// Handled by user code } BOOL DR_GetInterface(void) // Called when a Set Interface command is received { IN0BUF[0] = AlternateSetting; EZUSB_SET_EP_BYTES(IN0BUF_ID,1); return(TRUE);// Handled by user code } BOOL DR_GetStatus(void) { return(TRUE); } BOOL DR_ClearFeature(void) { return(TRUE); } BOOL DR_SetFeature(void) { return(TRUE); } #define EZUSB_UNARM_EP(ep_id) EPIO[ep_id].cntrl = bmEPBUSY BOOL DR_VendorCmnd(void) { return(TRUE); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // USB Interrupt Handlers //The following functions are called by the USB interrupt jump table. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Setup Data Available Interrupt Handler void ISR_Sudav(void) interrupt 0 { GotSUD = TRUE;// Set flag EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); USBIRQ = bmSUDAV;// Clear SUDAV IRQ } // Setup Token Interrupt Handler void ISR_Sutok(void) interrupt 0 { EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); USBIRQ = bmSUTOK;// Clear SUTOK IRQ } void ISR_Sof(void) interrupt 0 { EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); USBIRQ = bmSOF;// Clear SOF IRQ } void ISR_Ures(void) interrupt 0 { // // Arm all of the OUT endpoints so they can accept data // EPIO[OUT1BUF_ID].bytes = 0; EPIO[OUT2BUF_ID].bytes = 0; EPIO[OUT3BUF_ID].bytes = 0; EPIO[OUT4BUF_ID].bytes = 0; EPIO[OUT5BUF_ID].bytes = 0; EPIO[OUT6BUF_ID].bytes = 0; EPIO[OUT7BUF_ID].bytes = 0; EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); USBIRQ = bmURES;// Clear URES IRQ } void ISR_IBN(void) interrupt 0 { // ISR for the IN Bulk NAK (IBN) interrupt. } void ISR_Susp(void) interrupt 0 { Sleep = TRUE; EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); USBIRQ = bmSUSP; } void ISR_Ep0in(void) interrupt 0 { } void ISR_Ep0out(void) interrupt 0 { } void ISR_Ep1in(void) interrupt 0 { EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); IN07IRQ = bmEP1; } void ISR_Ep1out(void) interrupt 0 { OUT1BC = 0; EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); OUT07IRQ = bmEP1; } void ISR_Ep2in(void) interrupt 0 { EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); IN07IRQ = bmEP2; } void ISR_Ep2out(void) interrupt 0 { PORTCCFG = 0x00; OEC = 0xFF; OUTC = OUT2BUF[1]; //OUTC = 0xFF; IN4BC = 63; OUT2BC = 0; EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); OUT07IRQ = bmEP2; } void ISR_Ep3in(void) interrupt 0 { EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); IN07IRQ = bmEP3; } void ISR_Ep3out(void) interrupt 0 { OUT3BC = 0; EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); OUT07IRQ = bmEP3; } void ISR_Ep4in(void) interrupt 0 { EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); IN07IRQ = bmEP4; } void ISR_Ep4out(void) interrupt 0 { OUT4BC = 0; EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); OUT07IRQ = bmEP4; } void ISR_Ep5in(void) interrupt 0 { EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); IN07IRQ = bmEP5; } void ISR_Ep5out(void) interrupt 0 { OUT5BC = 0; EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); OUT07IRQ = bmEP5; } void ISR_Ep6in(void) interrupt 0 { EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); IN07IRQ = bmEP6; } void ISR_Ep6out(void) interrupt 0 { OUT6BC = 0; EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); OUT07IRQ = bmEP6; } void ISR_Ep7in(void) interrupt 0 { EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); IN07IRQ = bmEP7; } void ISR_Ep7out(void) interrupt 0 { OUT7BC = 0; EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); OUT07IRQ = bmEP7; } |
Public Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String, ByValdwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwShareMode As Long, lpSecurityAttributes As Any, ByValdwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long Public Declare Function DeviceIoControl Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hDevice As Long, ByVal dwloControlCode AsLong, lpInBuffer As Any, ByVal nInBufferSize As Long, lpOutBuffer As Any, ByVal nOutBufferSize As Long,lpBytesReturned As Long, ByVal lpOverlapped As Long) As Long Public Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Public FpgaOut2(63) As Byte Public FpgaIn4(63) As Byte Sub to_cypress(lPipeNum As Long, buf() As Byte, rw As Long) Dim hUSB As Long Dim dirControlCode As Long Dim lBytesReturned As Long Dim result As Long Dim const_1 As Byte const_1 = 64 'Write Code If rw = 0 Then rw = 2236497 'Read code If rw = 1 Then rw = 2236494 'EZ-USB board check hUSB = CreateFile("\\.\ezusb-" & 0, &H40000000, &H3, ByVal 0, 2, 0&, 0) If hUSB < 0 Then MsgBox ("EZ-USB is not connected") End If 'The diarect access to EZ-USB's device driver. If hUSB > 0 Then result = DeviceIoControl( _ hUSB, _ rw, _ lPipeNum, _ 64, _ buf(0), _ 64, _ lBytesReturned, _ 0) CloseHandle (hUSB) End If End Sub Sub Main() Dim ans As String ans = InputBox("何処を光らせる?", "入力窓", "1") If ans <> "" Then Range("A1").Value = ans End If Call write_fo2("55", ans) End Sub Sub write_fo2(data0 As String, data1 As String) FpgaOut2(0) = "&h" & data0 FpgaOut2(1) = "&h" & data1 Call to_cypress(1, FpgaOut2, 0) End Sub Sub read_fi2(data0 As String, data1 As String) Call to_cypress(10, FpgaIn4, 1) data0 = Fpgaln4(0) data1 = Fpgaln4(1) End Sub End Sub |